I spent several years working as a corporate tax lawyer at both a major New York law firm and at a global investment bank. I later took on the bigger challenge of raising two kids, which is what led me to discover ASAP!. Through word of mouth, I heard about its incredible summer camp, which my kids look forward to every year. It is literally the only camp they have ever asked to go back to (and they’ve been to quite a few!). People have asked me what it is about ASAP!’s camp that is so special, and while they do offer some unique activities (circus arts anyone?), I actually believe that my kids’ draw to the camp is that ASAP! approaches the activities in a way that truly speaks to the kids. The counselors are able to connect with them on a deeper level than you see at other camps, and the children really feel that their voices are heard and that they matter.
When my kids first became involved with ASAP!, I had no idea that they offered a whole lot more than just summer camp. As I continue to learn more about the organization, I am continually impressed by the programs offered by ASAP! and by the quality of the staff and their dedication, drive, commitment and skill. It is incredibly heartening to hear about their work and how they connect with children, helping them to learn and grow. I am truly honored to be part of such an inspirational organization.