Emida Roller is a muralist who specializes in community mural painting. She also paints in homes, schools, and businesses. She was born in New York City and grew up in Nigeria, was influenced by visual arts at an early age. Her father, the renowned Nigerian artist Solomon Irein Wangboje, influenced her life and career choices.
After college, she came back to the US to get her MFA and MA (Art Ed) degrees. In 2003, she started Wall Designs by Emida, LLC, and has painted murals for commercial and residential clients from coast to coast and in Mexico. For six years she was one of the lead artists at Dane Arts Mural Arts (DAMA) in Madison, WI. Emida served as the Executive Director for 22 months before moving to the East coast to be closer to her children.
Currently, she is a member of the RiseUp for Art/ CTMural team. while participating in Walldog, a group of highly skilled mural and sign painters from all over the globe. She works out of her studio in the Quiet Corner of Connecticut.