Circus Splendiferous LLC is a professional circus company offering educational & recreational programs as well as many forms of entertainment. The mission of Circus Splendiferous LLC is to reignite curiosity, imagination, and splendor by immersion into the realm of circus arts. We cultivate creativity through educational and cultural enrichment, bringing magic to children of all ages while keeping circus alive and relevant for years to come. | @CircusSplendiferous
Jesse Cody (Co-Founder of Circus Splendiferous) has been in the circus world since 2013. Her repertoire includes aerial silks, corde lisse, Spanish web, circus hammock, and lyra/hoop. She has performed and taught classes and workshops across the Tri-state area. If she’s not performing in the air, you’ll find her doing the next closest things, walking on stilts or being thrown in acrobatic stunts! Jesse co-founded Circus Splendiferous LLC, a professional circus company offering educational & recreational programs as well as many forms of entertainment, with her husband, Mickey, in March of 2020.
Mickey Lonsdale ( Co-Founder of Circus Splendiferous) is an internationally award-winning physical theatre actor and dancer. Mickey received his MFA in Physical Theatre at the Accademia del’Arte in Italy. During this time, he attended Flic Scoula di Circo, Circus School. While in Europe, he performed with companies such as Familie Floz in Germany, Divaldo Continuo in the Czech Republic, and Red Dot Theatre in Italy and Turkey. He is also a founding member of Aura Curiatlas Physical Theatre. Mickey has developed techniques that help children develop motor skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, and social skills. He has made it his goal to help children reignite their imagination to know and feel that whatever their dreams are, they can accomplish them. Mickey co-founded Circus Splendiferous LLC with his wife, Jesse, in March of 2020.